Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wharton Teaches the Programming Model for Biz

Yo, it's your friendly neighborhood blogger again...

We've been getting a ton of potential recruits for next year's cohort visiting lately, and I'm tired of studying Business Analysis Using Regression, so I decided to take a blog induced break for 10 minutes.

Here's an example of what you learn to do in the statistics core class: multiple regression with multi-level categorical variables.

If terms like r square, RMSE, t ratio, p value, leverage plots, and heteroscedasticity (try telling someone that your doctor said you had contracted it at the next dinner party) float your boat, then statistics is for you. It seems to be extremely useful in all areas that we'll soon be taking electives in: finance, marketing, management, and operations. It also has been useful for fantasy football statistics. Maybe that's why Nihal (GM of "The Cats") is The Man this season. Nihal is going down this week though, 'cuz he plays me.

If terms like those don't float your boat, then at least you know that all those complicated terms and numbers are.
Lest you think this is all quant and no fun, I was talking with a pretty well-known VC the other day who loves Wharton grads. Here's a quote from her that I thought I'd pass along:

"I really like Wharton grads...Wharton is a great b-school because they teach you the programming model for business. Wharton grads can quantify everything, unlike other well known and established schools in the area." Such as the one that starts with an "S"! :) As Kent said, at "S", they teach you how you should feel.

Back to studying. Gotta get HW4 done before I head to Maui for Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frankly speaking, this is a very good resource for my current home work. Thanks a lot for sharing your article with other people! It's great to read it here! Good for you!