Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Rock Band, Anyone?

Hey WEMBA32s,
Our class gift committee is hosting a "Wii Off" night, where there will be a video game competition and evening of fun, food and drink to raise fundraising awareness. It starts at 7pm on Friday 3/7 at Wharton West.

There will be three Wiis, two Playstations with Rock Band on them, and a presentation on why we want to try to beat WEMBA East32's contribution amount of $40K in pledges. Malika tells me to watch out for her uppercut. Azar's tennis superserve will be hard to beat. And I hear Sean is a bowling alley machine. As a special incentive, I'll give a special award for the best Mii character!

Our class participation goal is 100%, so think about what you are going to be pledging.

-Chairman P

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